Health advantages and disadvantages
The reason why is chose to compare and contrast the topics health advantages and health disadvantages for boxing is because this is a huge part of boxing because of the risks that are involved. And I wanted to know what the health advantages and disadvantages were.
Boxing is a brutal sport these days. And with knowing that there could be some injuries that go with it. Those injuries would have to be a health disadvantage for boxing, because if you get hurt enough you could change your life and your family’s life as you know it. One wrong move and you could come out of that ring either blind or with a concussion or even brain damage. People whom have boxed for a number of years they might develop what is called "punch drunk" and that means a person getting hit in the head for many years and who has brain damage from it.
Even tho boxing is a brutal sport there could be some health advantage for boxing. Boxing is a sport that you have to be determined, mentally fit and physically fit. There are things that you can do to become ready to step into the ring. The main things that you need to be good at are speed, endurance, and strength with those you are more likely to stay a little more healthy. Boxing is a good sport for exercise because you are always moving around and you always have to be in tip-top shape.
With all the injuries that go along with boxing It might be unhealthy getting beaten up. There are always a few things that you can do to help avoid getting hit and maybe a stay a little more healthy. There was a study done. “And the study was researched by the central and eastern clinical study. And they had a team of 47 boxers that were studied and they had 21 injuries that were logged at a rate of 2 injuries per 1,000 hours of boxing. And 71% of those injuries were related to the head, and with concussions for 1/3 of those tallies”. Having concussions are a bad thing because if you have one it means that you are more vulnerable to have another concussion. There is another way that you can do to avoid getting hurt is by training and with a lot of tranning you are more likely to avoid getting hurt.
There are many differences between the health risks of boxing and the health advantages. And one of the differences are said “ CTE is found in athletes, including boxing as a result of multiple brain trauma. Tissue within the brain designates effecting the behavior”. So what this is basically saying is that if you get hit in the head to many times you are likely to get brain damage. The other difference is that said that boxing can be a great stress reliever. In particular the training part because while relieving stress you are also building strength.
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